Periodic inconsistencies

Apparently the opinions about the new icons for Adobe CS3 products are strong and varied.

As for me, I have a little personal nitpick that I haven’t yet seen elsewhere: a disturbing inconsistence in naming conventions. In particular, that regarding Illustrator: why, oh, why its is the only icon in which the “A” from Adobe is present?

Yes, I know, the extension for the file format itself is .ai, the name itself is not a compound of two words, and so on.

But, let aside the fact that Illustrator is maybe one of the less likely candidate as a flagship product, I suspect that the real reason of this naming anomaly is that it would have been difficult to cram a single icon with something like APsLr.

And, speaking of Adobe naming inconsistencies, there’s another that bite me daily:

[Adobe Illustrator, Adobe ImageReady, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Reader, 26 other apps and, then, InDesign]

In the long forgotten days of non-X systems I would have promptly renamed the offender, but somehow, the big cats don’t allow the same level of confidence in non breaking things with actions apparently so mundane.

Update: It seems that I'm not alone in this (via Daring Fireball).

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