CSS Mastery iPod Giveaway

Dear Father Christmas,

do you prefer to being called Santa? Well, as they say, de gustibus non disputandum est.

Anyway, I’m going to explain why you should bring me down that chimney a brand spanking new copy of CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions from the esteemed authors Andy Budd, Cameron Moll and Simon Collison.

You see, this precious tome is in English and since doesn’t yet exist an Italian translation (and, by the way, if such thing could be made, it will be ready just in time for the release of Internet Explorer 9, and it will be an awful translation anyway) it is crystal clear that I need it now and I need it badly.

You can see it by yourself: please, look around, be my guest, read something. It’s self evident that I deserve a better understanding both of the English language and of CSS!

Not convinced yet? Let’s put it this way: this present would be a collective one. That is, if you give me the book, many people will benefit from the deal. Even now, friends and acquaintances turn to me for tips and wisdom about both English and CSS (go figure!) so, through this book I will be able to enlighten many people with the real wisdom of authorities.

So, dear Santa, thank you very much for this unexpected (but I must say, well deserved) gift. See you next year.

Yours truly

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